To aid the university in reducing the excessive drinking on campus, your class has been assigned the task of designing an advertisement

To aid the university in reducing the excessive drinking on campus, your class has been assigned the task of designing an advertisement

-Powerpoint, 5 slides, APA format.

Instructors Directions:

To aid the university in reducing the excessive drinking on campus, your class has been assigned the task of designing an advertisement campaign that will be used to educate students. In these advertisement, you must include what you believe students need to know and understand about “alcohol” and “drinking behavior” that can be so dangerous.

Your advertisement will be graded on originality, creativity, and the accuracy of material presented. You will create a power point presentation (no more than 5 slides). Completely document and include your references using APA format (text citations and reference page).

you should be able to access the screenshots here

& here is the citation for the textbook

Gahlinger, P. M. (2004). Illegal drugs: A complete guide to their history, chemistry, use and abuse. New York: Plume.

Also, can you please include other sources as well. Thank you 

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