Start with research to generate new audience (to describe). Open your mind and refine your craft (to describe). Understand your listeners
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● Word count: 900 words.
● Uniqueness: 100% (It must be a unique article!)
● The article should be 100% free of spelling/grammar mistakes
● Try to use the active voice while writing and do not write too long sentences. Up to 4-5
sentences per paragraph!
● Find relevant and eloquent subheadings for each thematic chapter (for each tip) of the
● You need to use these keywords in the text: (keywords should be highlighted)
1. writing service (use once)
2. linkedin profile writing service (use once)
3. Essay writing service (use once)
4. writing music tips (use once)
5. how to get better at poetry (use once)
6. how to start writing a song (use once)
I. Introduction (one paragraph)
A few sentences to start off.
II. Body
1. Start with research to generate new audience (to describe)
2. Open your mind and refine your craft (to describe)
3. Understand your listeners (to describe)
4. Dream (to describe)
5. Lyrics – first step (to describe)
6. Don’t rewrite (to describe)
7. Alphabet (to describe)
8. Who to write for (to describe)
9. Use chances (to describe)
10. Make your special style (to describe)
11. Trust yourself (to describe)
Conclusion (one brief paragraph)
Sum up the article.
Answer review
938 Words