Three paragraph essay (letter) about requesting financial support to pay tuition balance

Three paragraph essay (letter) about requesting financial support to pay tuition balance

Three paragraph essay (letter) about requesting financial support to pay tuition balance

Paragraph 1
Introduce your-self (first and last name, name of college you attended, major, year you enrolled into college, acquired credits, and cumulative GPA).Clearly indicate that you are hoping to receive financial support, also indicate your balance.

Paragraph 2
State your side of the story, indicate the reason that you acquired the balance.

Final Paragraph
State the outcome that you want. Do you want to return to college? Do you want the opportunity to request an official transcript so that you can transfer to a different college? Also state if there is a deadline for you to clear the tuition/school balance. Conclude your letter with the following. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. Please contact me by email or phone if you have any questions.

About me: Hi I am a student that attends Lehman in the Bronx, I acquired this balance because I am currently working part time and the money I am making has to go towards my portion of he rent each month and utilities. I don’t really have much spending money only money for bills. The fall semester starts August 31st. GPA 2.3

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Three paragraph essay (letter) about requesting financial support to pay tuition balanceAPA

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