This is a research synthesis essay. The essay needs to be about Roe v Wade and all of the controversy thats been happening around it lately.

This is a research synthesis essay. The essay needs to be about Roe v Wade and all of the controversy thats been happening around it lately.

You can chose the title. This is a research synthesis essay. The essay needs to be about Roe v Wade and all of the controversy thats been happening around it lately. The meaning of Roe v wade and how it started and what it consists of needs to be said as well. The main idea of the essay is to explain the two main sides people have on Roe v Wade, more specifically the abortion aspect of it and if women should have a right to it. It needs to be in depth and go beyond just surface meaning. It needs to be personal and thorough and detailed. The other important part is that it needs to be in favor of one side, which is a where the opinion aspect of it comes in. I’d like it to be written with the opinion that women should have a right to safe and accessible abortions because thats my personal opinion. Then you can just add onto it whatever you want to after that. I need 12 different sources for this essay as well, and they need to all be legit, and i need an annotated bibliography for each of the 12 sources, which ill put the outline for how to do that below. its important that my opinion and where i stand is made clear in the essay, but it needs to be after going into depth about the two main sides of Roe v Wade and the explanation of Roe v Wade itself. All of the info is supposed to build up to my opinion. I will put an example essay below so you can have an idea of what the essay should look like and its outline. Those are the main things. Ill put everything you need below. Theres a rubric below as well that says what the essay will be graded on so you can look at that to make sure everything is there thats needed.

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