The subject of this research paper shall be two noteworthy* Operations and Supply Chain Management (OM & SCM) practices of a company chosen

The subject of this research paper shall be two noteworthy* Operations and Supply Chain Management (OM & SCM) practices of a company chosen

Each student is required to write a web-research paper that is somewhat different than any other she/he may have written in the past.

The subject of this research paper shall be two noteworthy* Operations and Supply Chain Management (OM & SCM) practices of a company chosen by the student.

The chosen company must be large enough and/or unique enough to have been subject of prior published research and reports.

The two chosen noteworthy* OM & SCM strategies / practices shall be related to those covered in this class.

The paper shall have a Cover Page (five lines only) and a References Page (min. 5 independent references).

The paper must be well written in paragraph format and should be both spell-checked and “clarity-checked.”

The body of this consolidated paper should only be one-page, single spaced with 12-point font (papers longer or shorter than one page will be penalized). It should include a short paragraph identifying the company’s name, description of the business, primary goods/services, and why you selected this particular company.

The body of the paper shall include the two noteworthy* topics which must be extensively researched, analysis and concisely consolidated into two to four paragraphs.

The body of the paper shall also include three (3) well-thought-out questions that could be ask if the student had an interview with the company. These questions must be intriguing, succinct, reflective of student’s intelligence, knowledge of OM & SCM, and student’s acquired information about the company’s operations.

All research papers must be uploaded onto TurnItIn on Canvas by the due date noted in Class Schedule.

Detailed requirements of the paper are outlined in the first lecture’s PowerPoint, posted on Canvas.

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