The purpose of Coping Experience Report is to encourage students to explore a coping strategy described in the textbook.

The purpose of Coping Experience Report is to encourage students to explore a coping strategy described in the textbook.

Coping Experience Report
The purpose of Coping Experience Report is to encourage students to explore a coping strategy
described in the textbook. Part 3 of the course text describes 8 major coping strategies, organized
in chapters 9-16 (with Chapter 17 introducing some other coping techniques). Students must
choose from the following coping techniques to complete this assignment:
Chapter 9: Cognitive Restructuring: Reframing
Chapter 12: Expressive Art Therapy
Chapter 13: Humor Therapy
Chapter 16: Resource Management: Managing Time and Money
To complete the Coping Experience Report, students will
(a) choose one of the above coping strategies to explore,
(b) read the corresponding chapter in the text,
(c) attempt the coping strategy, either personally or with a practitioner,
(d) write a 2-3 page report describing the experience.
(e) upload a photo as visual evidence of the experience
Students are strongly encouraged to use outside resources to assist them with these experiences.
For example, students may attend a class or workshop, watch a video or program, read a book,
visit a practitioner or use other similar resources. Students are not expected to master these
techniques, but are instead encouraged to explore these techniques under the guidance of people
with more knowledge or experience.
Each of the reports should describe (a) how the student attempted to implement the coping
strategy (4 points) and (b) how effective the strategy was in reducing the impact of stress on
health including information from the relevant textbook chapter (5 points). Each report should be
2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, standard margins, 12-point font.
In addition to your written report, you must also upload a picture as visual evidence of your
participation in the activity (1 point). Ensure you have permission of any people in the
photograph to post their picture to the class discussion board and that the pictures remain
tasteful. Use this opportunity to be creative. Some ideas for these pictures: Before and after
pictures, “selfies,” pictures of the environment, or pictures of signs that show where you are.

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