Exegete the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke (10:25-37).

Exegete the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke (10:25-37).

Paper instructions:
Please choose ONE of the following prompts:

1. Compare and contrast the Markan and Matthean depiction of John the Baptist.

2. Exegete the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke (10:25-37).

3. Analyze the narratival function of women at the tomb in at least one gospel.

4. Analyze the narratival function of the way in which Elizabeth and Mary learn and share that they will bear children.

In an essay of three to four pages, please support a thesis about the predominant theme in this section of text. Be sure to contextualize your interpretation with what you know about the historical community in which the text arose, using your knowledge from lectures and the readings.

Make sure to:
– Cite scripture where relevant (e.g., Acts 17:16).
– Advance a strong thesis
– Develop your thesis with each topic sentence
– Support your topic sentences with literary (citing Bible) and historical evidence (referencing what we have learned in class without citing my lectures or quoting Ehrman verbatim)

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Exegete the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke (10:25-37).


968 words

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