The format of the final project is just like most of the research papers we have read in the class. You may use “Political turnover and

The format of the final project is just like most of the research papers we have read in the class. You may use “Political turnover and

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

The format of the final project is just like most of the research papers we have read in the class. You may use “Political turnover and economic performance: the incentive role of personnel control in China” in our reading list as the standard format.

There should be a title of the project. In the context, the first section should be an introduction. The introduction briefly describes your research motivation, the research method you used to address the question, and research results. The second section is a short literature review. In other words, it is a very short version of your literature review party in the second essay (one page is enough). After that, you begin to analyze your research questions, and report the details of your results. In the end, briefly summarize the results in the conclusion section.

The final research paper is due at 5PM Dec 22th. The paper should not be longer than 15 pages including all figures, tables, references and appendix that you want to present in the paper. It should be double-spaced (1.5 line spread in latex).

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