The Federal Government agencies are looking for contractors (outside the government) to perform Professional Services as for assistance such

The Federal Government agencies are looking for contractors (outside the government) to perform Professional Services as for assistance such

My Research Question: The Federal Government agencies are looking for contractors (outside the government) to perform Professional Services as for assistance such as with engineering; environmental, logistics, consulting, or language services. How can contractors (outside the government) market their business to and partnership with Federal Government agencies in order to be a enhanced supplier to the Federal customers?


Final Project

  • Part 1 – 20% of the final grade
  • Part 2 – 20% of the final grade

This final project is in lieu of a final exam.

In most instances, marketing research can be reduced to five questions:

  1. What do we need to know?
  2. What will we ask?
  3. Whom will we ask?
  4. How will we ask them?
  5. How will we interpret their answers?

This assignment requires you to survey the organization/enterprise at which you are employed, or an organization of which you are a member, such as a church, school, club, etc., and identify one of its most pressing marketing needs about which it should conduct some sort of marketing research. After explaining this in detail, including the needs and reasons for conducting the research, you should then detail the methodology you would recommend that the organization employ to obtain the data.

A simple example of a need might be that the organization is concerned about membership numbers and wants to formulate a course of action regarding future decisions.

Please note: This project requires you to collect primary data using a survey, focus group, face-to-face interview, phone interview, or some other direct sampling technique to collect primary data directly from respondents. It is not a meta data sampling of information about other data in which hundreds, thousands, or millions of responses are collected (such as part of a work-related project). This project requires students to gather and analyze data (specifically, primary data) on their own that is outside of a meta data project.

Part 1 (20% of final grade)

Part 1 of the paper should include the methodology employed to address the first three steps in the marketing research process, which are:

1. Define the research objectives.

2. Plan a research design.

3. Plan a sample if needed.

Submit your final project part 1 by the due date identified in the course schedule. It should be a typed, double-spaced paper (see guidelines under assignment 1 above), no less than three pages and no more than five pages.

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