The Book of Genesis Overview – Part 2 of 2. What methods does God use to keep his promise of restoring humanity? What’s an example

The Book of Genesis Overview – Part 2 of 2. What methods does God use to keep his promise of restoring humanity? What’s an example

The first five books of the Old Testament — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy — are called the Pentateuch (Greek for ‘five books’) or the Torah (Hebrew for “law” or “way to live”).

In this assignment, you’ll watch 7 videos about those 5 books and answer the questions posed for each video.

The Book of Genesis Overview – Part 2 of 2

  1. What methods does God use to keep his promise of restoring humanity?

  2. What’s an example of God taking evil and using it for good?

The Book of Exodus Overview – Part 1 of 2

  1. How are redemption and salvation defined?

  2. What significant concepts does Passover commemorate?

The Book of Exodus Overview – Part 2 of 2

  1. What is the significance of the Covenant?

  2. What type of symbols are included in the tent and what do they represent?

Character of God

  1. Is God merciful or vengeful? Explain.

  2. List the five attributes of God listed in the video.

  3. Which attribute do you see most often? Explain.

  4. Which attribute do you see the least? Explain.

The Book of Deuteronomy

  1. What are some of the connections between listening and love?

  2. How does what Moses says about blessings and curses connect back to the story of Adam and Eve?
  1. – In the video assignment, we saw that God’s original intention in creation was to be in relationship with humans. In your Bible readings, what evidence do you find of God wanting to have a relationship with us? Give at least two examples. How does this relate to your life? Have you ever felt God’s presence or Him reaching out to you? Explain.
  2. After reading the Exodus story of how God used Moses to lead the people out of 400 years of slavery in Egypt, consider their rebellion against God and Moses. Do you think their rebellion in the desert was just a natural human response? Do you see any parallels to the sin that began in the Garden of Eden? (see both LASB notes on Gen 3:5) How does this relate to your life?
  3. Is sin something we do or is it something we have a relationship with? Or stated another way, is sin an action or is it an attitude and how does that impact our relationship with God? Explain your answer.
  4. On page 1,989 in the LASB, you will find the Mega Themes of Philippians. The first mega theme is humility. Read the explanation and importance of the theme listed on that page. How does social media help or hurt humility?

Answer preview for The Book of Genesis Overview – Part 2 of 2. What methods does God use to keep his promise of restoring humanity? What’s an example


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