The assignment challenges you to find video examples of intercultural communication concepts and to write a professional email. You will

The assignment challenges you to find video examples of intercultural communication concepts and to write a professional email. You will

The assignment challenges you to find video examples of intercultural communication concepts and to write a professional email. You will deepen your knowledge by connecting concepts discussed in class to video illustrations. Here is how to proceed.

Find or Create a Video Clip

Find or create a short video—one-to-three minutes—that illustrates an intercultural communication concept covered pp. 52-56 in the textbook or discussed in class. You may identify something as you are watching your favorite movies or TV shows, you may search online for relevant clips, or you may create a video yourself.

Be selective. For example, if you choose the first clip that comes up when you Google “high context cultures,” other students may find the same clip. This will not earn you good points on the project and may not be the best illustration anyway.

Choose illustrations rather than “talking heads.” Instead of descriptions (e.g., a Ted Talk explaining high context cultures), look for examples (e.g., a reality TV show contestant). The examples can be positive or negative.

Finally, illustrate a specific concept. In other words, your video must illustrate one of the cultural dimensions discussed in class rather than intercultural communication in general.

Consider Course Concepts to Address

Here are the topics you can illustrate:

Cultural dimensions (high/low-context cultures, individualistic cultures, collectivist cultures, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, or time orientation)
Nonverbal differences
Speaking with an international audience
Writing to an international audience
Write an Explanation and Post Your Clip

After you find or create a clip, you will need to compose an email in which you explain specifically how the clip illustrates the intercultural communication concept. Someone who knows nothing about the concept should understand it from your explanation. Likewise, someone who has not seen the video will understand the plot from your description.

Review How to Write Effective Emails between pages 104 and 105 in your textbook to check the format of emails.
Review how to write routine messages in packet A, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 in your textbook. You will need to include a subject line, a formal salutation, the body of the message, a complimentary close, and a signature block.
Address the email to your professor.
Use the ACE model to compose and evaluate your email.
Use the direct organization and focus on your audience.
Use the principles of business writing to deliver a message that is professional, clear, concise, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.
Save your email as a word document.
Submit a physical copy of your email at the beginning of class on the due date and post your clip URL on Canvas by the deadline.
Follow Grading Criteria

Your clip should:
Illustrate rather than simply describe a specific intercultural communication concept
Not be something clearly labeled with the concept on YouTube or another site
Be between one and three-minutes long

Your explanations should:
Describe the course concept
Provide a page or class discussion reference (for example, Schwom and Snyder p. 103 or Class Packet A p. 8)
Describe specifically how the clip illustrates the concept. Assume that your reader has not seen the clip.
Demonstrate professional, clear, and concise business writing with no grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors
Provide the clip URL. If your video is longer than three minutes, indicate the time stamps with the beginning and end points.

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