Analyze the impact of technology on how health care services are delivered

Analyze the impact of technology on how health care services are delivered

The Health Care Scene: Contemporary Trends

This is my chosen topic:  I do have others to choose from

Analyze the impact of technology on how health care services are delivered. The impact of technology on employee performance, organizational structure, and management planning may also be considered.

 As health care leaders, it is important to understand that health care is quite a dynamic field. Its constant changes are a result of continuing trends in regulation, policy, patient and provider advocacy efforts, as well as increasingly sophisticated technology and industry benchmarking guidelines.
For your assignment you review the possible topics for your Senior Project located in Week Five of your online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide, and select the topic your training program will address. If you choose not to select a topic from the approved topic list, you must have your original topic approved by your instructor prior to submitting this assignment.
For this assignment, focus on a specific contemporary trend in health care and be sure to include all of the following influences:

Changes in client characteristics

Regulation of the health care industry

Reimbursement patterns and mandates

Restructuring of health care organizations

Impact of technology

Ongoing social and ethical factors

Address the information above as it pertains to your selected topic, in an eight to ten slide (excluding title and reference slides) PowerPoint presentation.
Your presentation should conclude with a summary describing the following concerns:

Overall, why should health care managers be aware of this change and trend?

What impact does this trend have on the stakeholder groups involved (e.g., patients, providers, administrators, third-party payers, legislators, etc.) for a specific organization specified (e.g., for profit, nonprofit, hospital, outpatient clinic, nursing home, etc.).

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Analyze the impact of technology on how health care services are delivered


11 slides

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