The role of Advanced Technology in Competitive Intelligence”.

The role of Advanced Technology in Competitive Intelligence”.

PowerPoint Presentation (use the outline you had written before)

You will create a mock presentation that highlights your project’s main points “ My topic; The role of Advanced Technology in Competitive Intelligence”.

. It will be comprised of approximately 10-15 PowerPoint slides. Each slide should summarize the main points you are making, and additional notes (those details that you would be speaking in your presentation) should be included underneath each slide (in the Notes in PowerPoint: under each slide there is a Click to add notes feature). You should also cite your sources and include a reference slide at the end. Your mock presentation should last approximately 20 minutes (12-15 slides), so ensure that the PowerPoint contains sufficient information to guide you through this presentation.

You can also attach any handouts that you would give to your audience in the presentation. For example: graphs, charts, articles, etc…

Be sure to cite your sources in your presentation and to include a reference slide at the end. If a thought is not your own, you must give credit to the true author. Be sure to use correct parenthetical citations according to APA guidelines.

Power Point Presentation Grading Criteria:

Worth 20% of your final grade

Well-Organized and structured: 15 points

Content and knowledge that is thorough and relevant: 40 points

Bibliography/References thorough and properly cited: 20 points possible

Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 15 points possible

Solution preview for the order on the role of Advanced Technology in Competitive Intelligence”.

The role of Advanced Technology in Competitive Intelligence”.


16 slides

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