Synopses: The thrust of the reading in your own words—no quotes. What does it map out, explore, or argue? What was easiest to understand

Synopses: The thrust of the reading in your own words—no quotes. What does it map out, explore, or argue? What was easiest to understand

Synopses Most weeks you will write a primer on the reading due on Brightspace by 12pm PST on Fridays. This should be 600 to 1200 typed words in .doc or .pdf formats. Please title the file with your last name followed by the author’s last name (e.g. Simmons_hooks.) Each synopsis should cover…
1 I The thrust of the reading in your own words—no quotes. What does it map out, explore, or argue?

2 I What was easiest to understand about it? What ideas were challenging for you, and why?

Answer preview for Synopses: The thrust of the reading in your own words—no quotes. What does it map out, explore, or argue? What was easiest to understand


736 Words