Chick-Fil-A ability of the related competition to overtake fast-food franchises has a lot of work to do so.

Chick-Fil-A ability of the related competition to overtake fast-food franchises has a lot of work to do so.



Chick-Fil-A ability of the related competition to overtake fast-food franchises has a lot of work to do so. All locations are always extremely packed from inside of the restaurant to the outside. Although they offer fast and friendly service, the wait times lines are very agitating. They close all operations on Sundays, and their geographic coverage is inadequate. Other weaknesses in their business are their food prices and low innovation. Their quality of food is excellent, but the lower and middle class can hardly afford to dine with them. Chick-Fil-A business doesn’t operate globally, making it difficult to challenge others in this category. The only way Chick-Fila-A could take over competitive advantage of McDonald’s and others are to capitalize on fast-food chains with poor customer service. In doing so, customer preference with entirely shift over to Chick-Fil-A.


Hitesh, B. (2019, April 2). SWOT analysis of Chick-Fil-A. Retrieved from


Chick-fil-A currently sits as America’s favorite fast food restaurant (Berger, 2015). Although they have the U.S. market, worldwide, it’s McDonald’s that is the clear winner as it remains in the #1 spot for several years now (Duncan, 2019). Until Chick-fil-A is ready to take the leap to expand globally, it is hard to say how well they will fare against McDonald’s and other successful international restaurants.

Furthermore, as many of us remember back in 2012 the Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy made several anti-LGBTQ comments referencing his strong religious beliefs, which of course angered many over the past several years (Marr, 2019). The consequences of these comments are debatable as to how much it has hurt their business; however, over this past year it is starting to affect their business dealings significantly. In April 2019, Chick-fil-A has lost out on two airport contracts with NY’s Buffalo Niagara International Airport and San Antonio International Airport citing their “discriminatory behavior” and lost revenue due to them being closed on Sundays as the reason behind the decision (Lucas, 2019). Additionally, Rider University in New Jersey has “barred a Chick-fil-A restaurant from opening on campus” (Marr, 2019). Chick-fil-A has made claims on their website that their donations to various organizations are being made for reasons unrelated to anti-LGBTQ agendas. However, millions of dollars each year over the past decade and more have been donated to organizations with anti-LGBTQ bias. “According to Think Progress in 2017, the Chick-fil-A Foundation donated more than $1.8 million to 3 anti-LGBTQ groups (Marr, 2019). It seems questionable as to whether or not Chick-fil-A will be able to compete with other restaurants long term with these types of issues becoming more detrimental to them.


Berger, S. (2015, June 30). Best Restaurants In USA: Chick-Fil-A Trumps Competition, McDonald’s Falls Out Of Favor. Retrieved 2019, from International Business Times:…

Duncan, N. (2019, August). The QSR 50. Retrieved 2019, from QSR Magazine web site:

Lucas, A. (2019, April 2). Chick-fil-A loses two airport deals in less than two weeks. Retrieved from CNBC web site:

Marr, R. (2019, March 22). Chick-fil-A is still giving millions of dollars to anti-LGBTQ groups.Retrieved 2019, from Metro Weekly web site:…

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Chick-Fil-A ability of the related competition to overtake fast-food franchises has a lot of work to do so.


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