Students will create a PowerPoint that identifies social work concepts, theories, research, and practicum experiences and apply that

Students will create a PowerPoint that identifies social work concepts, theories, research, and practicum experiences and apply that

Learning Goal: I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


The purpose of the Capstone Project is for students to:

  • Demonstrate KNOWLEDGE of Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) competencies and applicable social work concepts as it relates to a direct practice concentration.
  • Reflect on social work VALUES with respect for all individuals and demonstrate a regard for social and economic justice as it relates to service, dignity and worth of a person, importance of human relationships, integrity, human rights, and scientific inquiry for core social work values.

Students will create a PowerPoint and present information that reflects their analysis and application of the nine CSWE competencies as outlined in the instructions below. The PowerPoint should demonstrate a summation of the knowledge and values gained throughout the program as well as their internship experiences utilizing the instructions and scoring rubric as a guide.


Students will create a PowerPoint that identifies social work concepts, theories, research, and practicum experiences and apply that information to each competency as described. Additionally, students will create a video of themselves presenting the information outlined within the PowerPoint.

PowerPoints should be organized, clear, concise, professional, and supported with references utilizing APA 7th edition. In video presentations, students should speak clearly and professionally without reading from the presentation. It is important to note that this is a FINAL project which is a culmination of your learning and experience in the Master of Social Work Program, therefore, this Capstone Project should reflect the necessary level of time and effort to complete.

Information to include:

  • Title Slide (Name, Agency Name, Course Number, Term/Semester)
  • History/Importance of CSWE
  • Competencies 1-9 (as detailed below)
  • Summation of Education and Internship
  • Reference Slide (minimum of 3 references – journal articles, texts, or web sites from .org, .gov, or .edu only)

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