Organizational behavior: A practical problem solving approach

Organizational behavior: A practical problem solving approach

#1  Power, what is the purpose? (Student Post) (90 words

It enables you to be effective at doing what you want to do, to get the results intended, to move others to help you, and it is that which affects the power of others even when it is unintentional.

some of the forms of power that people are in control of and doesn’t know that they are using it are:

-Resistance. People can simply be indifferent, be passive-aggressive, or actively resist to the extent of purposefully undermining you or even sabotaging your efforts. The degree and form of resistance thus matter.

-Compliance. They do what is required and exert no extra effort and provide no extra input.

-Commitment.They believe in the cause and often go above and beyond to assure its success.

When it comes to power everyone uses it differently.  It can affect others’ responses to you how ethically or responsibly you utilize any form of power

#2Roles (Student Post) (90 words)

Hi class and Professor.  A role is a set of proposed behaviors for a certain position.  A group role is a set of anticipated behaviors for members of the group all together.  Because of this, every role people play is characterized in part by the expectations of that role. As students, we are expected to be motivated to learn, conscientious, participative, and attentive.  “In the many arenas of life (e.g., work, family, and school), people often play multiple roles. At work, for example, employees frequently play roles that go beyond duties in a job description, such as helping coworkers and suggesting improvements.  Employees often serve in multiple groups and may play one or more roles within each.”

Kinicki, A. (2015). Organizational behavior: A practical problem solving approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

#3 Structural Empowerment  (Student Post) (90 words)

Hi class and Professor.  In reading Chapter 12, I have learned about Structural Empowerment.  It is centered on assigning power and responsibilities from management to employees. A few of the common ways to do this are by way of job design and job characteristics forms of motivation. Because of this, managers and their employers can advance employee enablement by altering policies, procedures, job responsibilities, and team designs. “Any of these that increase the effectiveness of employee decision making are likely also to increase their performance, well-being, and job-related attitudes. To better understand and apply this knowledge about empowerment, it is necessary to think about the issue correctly.”

Kinicki, A. (2015). Organizational behavior: A practical problem solving approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.



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Hi, I like your work. You talk of power enabling people to do what they do, get desired results, solicit for help and also influence others’ powers. I think this is the best way to define power because other than simply using the dictionary definition you are able to attach meaning to it in a very concise manner………………..


339 words


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