Pick a scene from the play and one character in that scene. Analyze the scene as the actor that is responsible for portraying the role

Pick a scene from the play and one character in that scene. Analyze the scene as the actor that is responsible for portraying the role

read and do a report

You are to turn in a report single spaced on plays read

throughout the quarter. Detailed Below:

Discuss the following items:

1) What is the story? Briefly describe the plot. 1/3 page

2) Discuss the themes and relevance of the story. What is it trying to convey? 1/3 pg

3) Pick a scene from the play and one character in that scene. Analyze the scene as the

actor that is responsible for portraying the role and address what’s below in first person

POV, as opposed to academically analyzing it from a distance or analyzing it from an

audience point of view. Discuss the Given Circumstances that are important to your (as

the character) overall problem in this scene. What are you dealing with (Given

Circumstances) and how would this influence your exploration of this role? Important

note- do not write about YOUR personal given circumstances, you are to write about the

character in the story! ½ pg

4) Write out a possible GOTE sheet that you would explore in rehearsals as you

investigate the life of this role in the scene from #3 above. ¾ page

**for The Break of Noon Play Report ONLY, you are not required to answer this

item (#4) as we will not have covered these terms yet.

Solution preview for the order on Pick a scene from the play and one character in that scene. Analyze the scene as the actor that is responsible for portraying the role

Pick a scene from the play and one character in that scene. Analyze the scene as the actor that is responsible for portraying the role


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