State the chemical composition of the sterol present in high levels in most people who belong to the high-risk group. Distinguish between the

State the chemical composition of the sterol present in high levels in most people who belong to the high-risk group. Distinguish between the

Using the  University Online Library or the Internet, research the causes of coronary artery disease. On the basis of your research, respond to the following:

State the chemical composition of the sterol present in high levels in most people who belong to the high-risk group. Distinguish between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ forms of this sterol. Explain the function of the good form of this sterol in the body. List four different foods that are sources of the bad form.

 Discussion Question 2

If glucose levels of a patient are high, respond to the following:

State the results that a Benedict’s test would indicate (specify the solution color). State the composition and the properties of the ketohexose derived from fruit jam. Describe the manner in which ketohexose acts as a reducing sugar in the test

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