Title: Evaluating Sports Nutrition Sources

Title: Evaluating Sports Nutrition Sources

Nutrition for Sports Performance

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

450 words or more

3 or more reference

Title: Evaluating Sports Nutrition Sources

There are many sources of nutrition information for the athlete and/or people who coach athletes. How good are these websites? Let’s look at a few and evaluate.

For this forum, find a source of nutrition information for an athlete which could be yourself. I don’t care how outrageous the source and its claims are because I want you to evaluate it using these red flags.

Promises a quick fix

Dire danger warnings for a single product or regimen

Makes a claim that is too good to be true

Simple conclusions from a complex study

Recommendations are based on one or no research study

Statements are questioned by reputable scientific organizations

Lists “good” and “bad” foods

Recommendations are made to help sell a product

Recommendations are not evidence-based on peer-reviewed research studies

Recommendations use studies that ignore individual or group differences

In your forum post, discuss the sports nutrition source you found and evaluate it using the red flags. Be sure to include the source you are critiquing in your discussion post.

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Title: Evaluating Sports Nutrition Sources


518 words

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