One of the most debated questions in Soviet history is the relationship between Leninism and Stalinism.

One of the most debated questions in Soviet history is the relationship between Leninism and Stalinism.

Paper instructions:
PROMPT: One of the most debated questions in Soviet history is the relationship between Leninism and Stalinism.Some historians have argued that the Stalinist regime, with its brutal policies of agricultural collectivization, purges, and terror, was a logical and inevitable continuation of Lenin’s authoritarian rule.Others have maintained that Stalin’s regime represented a radical revision and distortion of the communist system Lenin sought to build; in other words, Stalinism was fundamentally different from Leninism.Which of these two views do you think is more correct, and why?

Instructions: This assignment requires you to present your own analysis of Soviet history based on the course readings and lectures.Be sure to state your thesis clearly and support it with as much evidence as possible from the assigned readings, especially the primary source texts. You are not permitted to use any outside sources for this assignment, except you may use any documents in the Suny reader, including ones that have not been assigned.

Use the book: The Structure of Soviet History – Ronal Grigor Suny

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One of the most debated questions in Soviet history is the relationship between Leninism and Stalinism.


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