Final Paper: Social Problem Research and Becoming a Claimsmaker

Final Paper: Social Problem Research and Becoming a Claimsmaker

Sociology Final Paper

Final Paper: Social Problem Research and Becoming a Claimsmaker

Your final paper for this class will essentially be composed of two parts: 1) a brief research report on the current state of your social problem (as you’ve defined it) and 2) getting involved directly in the social problems process by becoming a claimsmaker, and writing a brief reflection of your experience as a claimsmaker.

Part 1: Research

In 5 typed, double spaced pages, you must address the following questions:

1) What is your social problem, as you define it?

Are there other definitions of this problem in the public discourse? What are they?

Be sure to incorporate a good critique of the dialogue around the issue, keeping in mind objective vs. subjective claims of the nature of the problem

2) What is the current state of your social problem, as you have defined it?

How many people are affected (nationally/globally depending on the problem you chose)?

3) What are the perceived social causes of this problem?

What social institutions are involved in contributing to the problem/need to be involved in the solution?

4) What are the proposed solutions?

Are there currently any laws/public initiatives in place to address the problem? If so, what are they? How effective are these laws/claims makers in dealing with the social problem?

This section is to give context to the issue you take up as a claimsmaker and to give you a deeper understanding of the problem you chose. This section must have at least 3 solid references (no Wikipedia!!), and all references must be cited (ASA, APA or MLA citation styles accepted). You must include proper in-text citations for whatever format you choose and the final paper must have a Works Cited page.

Part 2: Claims Making

Step 1: Participate in a claims making activity

In general, the parameters for this part of the assignment are fairly open. You must provide me proof of your claims making activities, so keep this in mind when you are planning your activities.


One, do NOT plan any activities that are illegal. Two, your claims making activities must be public activities; conversation with friends won’t cut it.

In selecting the kinds of activities that would best convince your target audience, it might be helpful to look for on-campus organizations or search the Internet for local or national organizations devoted to your social issue. Some suggestions for the kinds of appropriate claims making activities include:

writing letters and organizing petitions;

organizing and participating in a demonstration, a walk, a drive, a cleanup;

volunteering at a “troubled persons place”;

becoming involved in a social problems organization (or a social change group);

participating in a performance, the creation of a piece of art, music, video that addresses a social problem and publicly displaying this art;

creating a bulletin board on campus (get approval first for this).

Utilize the free speech area of the mall.

There are many ways to have a voice.

If several students are interested in working together to make the same change in society, I encourage you to work together as a group but you will each be required to turn in individual papers.

When you are carrying out claims making activities, remember to have proof of them to turn in to me, such as pictures, letters from volunteer coordinators flyers, receipts, and so on. If you are planning on writing letters and emails give me a copy of “cc” me a copy. If doing posters provide me a copy of them

Step Two: Reflection (2 pages)

The second part of this section will be writing a reflection paper linking your experience to class concepts, using the guidelines below.

What change were you intending to bring about? How did you go about making the change?

Who was (were)your target audience? How were you received? Did you encounter support or resistance or both? Why do you think you were received this way?

In conclusion, discuss how it felt to participate in the ‘social problems game’. What did you learn from your experiences about the ‘social problems game’? The ability to make change in the world?


Solution preview

In the recent past, cases of Intimate partner violence (IPV) have been on the rise and this has triggered many investigations and research concerning the issue. Intimate partner violence is a term referring to social acts of physical violence, sexual violence, psychological torture and stalking by a current or former intimate partner……………………….


2016 words


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