Written Assignment – Power of Socialization Interview

Written Assignment – Power of Socialization Interview

In a 1-2 page essay, based on your interview and your personal experience, discuss the role that individual played as an agent of socialization and explain how that individual affected your socialization and your values, beliefs, or goals. In your essay, include at least one direct quote from your interview and use at least three concepts from the Module 01 or Module 02 content; highlight these concepts in boldface. Examples of concepts include primary and secondary groups, gender socialization, re-socialization, social class, roles, in-group, out-group, looking-glass self, group conformity, achieved or ascribed status, norms, values, and so forth. Include a brief introductory paragraph as well as a concluding paragraph that sums up your key points. Do not write in a question and answer format, rather summarize and analyze your interview in narrative form. Make sure your paper is in APA format, double-spaced, with a title page


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As humans, we are a byproduct of the society. We conform either partially aware or as conformity to societal expectations. On the same note, socialization influences daily roles or situations presented to us in regards to school, work or self. Managing the roles may appear natural. However, they are assembled by the society…………………………

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