Availability of funding for social programs

Availability of funding for social programs

Need to respond to this in 300-400 words in A.P.A. format with 2 scholarly sources

Rehabilitation is very beneficial to inmates in becoming a productive citizen within their community upon release. So many different programs are offered within the present correctional system that has had a positive outcome for inmates who leave prison more knowledgeable than when they entered. James (2015) states,”Offender reentry is a complex issue that touches on a wide range of social and governmental networks and programs. Policies affecting prisoners depend on a variety of factors, including the availability of funding for social programs within the communities” (p.7). The programs are put into place for prisoners however you can’t make them enter into certain programs they have to be willing to own their own.

The primary purpose of these programs is to provide a positive light once getting out with enhanced job skills and work experiences to improve the likelihood of gaining employment and staying away from crime. According to Matthew 22:36-38 (King James Version) [KJV] “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” If inmates are better equipped with the necessary tools to enter society then there should be no fear in living next to a rehabilitated citizen of the community. Garcia (2017) claims, “Programs that help offenders gain a renewed footing in the community start behind bars and continue after release” (p.3). Giving inmates a second chance and doing there time is to be afforded an equal opportunity to get back on their feet again speaks volumes to the rehabilitated individual.


Garcia, K. (2017). Today’s inmate is tomorrow’s neighbor. Retrieved by https://www.newtimesslo.com/sanluisobispo/todays-


James, N. (2015). Offender reentry: correctional statistics, reintegration into the community, and recidivism. Retrieved

by https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL34287.pdf


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Availability of funding for social programs


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