Measuring the effectiveness of social media in communicating a message

Measuring the effectiveness of social media in communicating a message

In this final exam, you will write a 700-750 word essay (including Works Cited in MLA format) in response to ONE (1) of the questions below. You should make reference to case studies and concepts from at least two (2) of the authors examined in the course in your response to this question. You must reference these authors by name. Your assignment should fulfill all of the parts of an essay: introduction and thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion, and works cited. You must include a Works Cited, but you are only required to include in-text citations if you use direct quotes from a text.

Essay Questions (choose ONE)

1. In your opinion, what is the best method for measuring the effectiveness of social media in communicating a message?


2. In your opinion, what strategies for social media communication are most likely to build trust among social media users?

As it requires authors in the course here is Texts/Materials Swann, Patricia. Cases in Public Relations Management: The Rise of Social Media and Activism. Routledge, 2019.

Kim, Carolyn Mae. Social Media Campaigns. Routledge, 2016

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Measuring the effectiveness of social media in communicating a message


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