Basic research about How soccer changed the lives of players. 2 or 3 sources in the body paragraph

Basic research about How soccer changed the lives of players. 2 or 3 sources in the body paragraph and 5 body paragraph and only 8 sentences. A

Basic research about How soccer changed the lives of players. 2 or 3 sources in the body paragraph and 5 body paragraph and only 8 sentences. A basic introduction talks about How soccer changed the lives of players. First a basic introduction.1-body paragraph talks about How soccer can help poor people, 2- How soccer help players make profits, 3- How soccer made people healthy. Finally, basic conclusion talks about How soccer changed the lives of players. Use the sources from the proposal. and don’t forget the references at the end of the research.

2 – 3 Pages

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Basic research about How soccer changed the lives of players.


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