So, after reading the story of the Bosket family, are people born criminals (nature) or does society (including families) “make” criminals
Fox Butterfield’s history of the Bosket family and the times and places in which they lived is riveting and challenges many of our conceptualizations about crime, law, and justice. It also corresponds very well with what you read in Roth and learned in your other weekly course materials.
So, after reading the story of the Bosket family, are people born criminals (nature) or does society (including families) “make” criminals (nurture)? Support your position with three substantive arguments grounded in All God’s Children, all of Roth, and the course materials from Weeks 1-15.
This paper is to be no longer than two-pages, single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.
I strongly suggest mo more or no less than five substantive paragraphs: Introduction, Position One, Position Two, Position Three, and Conclusion.
You will be assessed on the quality of your writing, your argument, and your use of All God’s Children, all of Roth, and the course materials from Weeks 1-15.
1. All God’s Children: The Bosket Family and The American Tradition of Violence by Fox Butterfield. YOU WOULD NEED TO GET THIS BOOK BY YOUR SELF BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE IT. If that doesn’t work out then let me know and we can figure something out. (MAIN BOOK NEEDED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT)
2. A History of Crime and The American Criminal Justice System by Mitchel P. Roth. I already have this book, I will provide you the login when a tutor is chosen.
3. Other Course materials. I will add articles given to us. Try to use as many as you can. Some will just not apply to the question asked. Therefore, just use the articles that relate to this prompt.
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