Do you believe skin bleaching is a form of body dysmorphia

Do you believe skin bleaching is a form of body dysmorphia

Watched a documentary on skin bleaching in Jamaica. In the video, we saw a small sample of music influences trends in a society. One of the interviewees in the documentary stated that somes Jamaicans may bleach their skin because of body dysmorphia. With that statement, do you believe skin bleaching is a form of body dysmorphia? Be sure to make at least one reference to the video. Also, do you believe dysmorphia is a mental or psychological condition? Again, make at least one reference to the video


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Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental condition where people spend a lot of time thinking about the flaws in their appearance, sometimes to the extent that they cannot control it. They do not trust people who compliment them for their looks, and this could even interfere with their daily life like schooling or work (Anxiety and Depression Society of America, 2016)………………….


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