While crafting an advertising strategy, one has to be aware of the larger business environment. Right now the biggest thing happening in our life is Covid 19.

While crafting an advertising strategy, one has to be aware of the larger business environment. Right now the biggest thing happening in our life is Covid 19.

While crafting an advertising strategy, one has to be aware of the larger business environment. Right now the biggest thing happening in our life is Covid 19. Fortunately, now that most of us are vaccinated, we have started going out once again and discovering friends and the joy of being around others. Naturally, marketers have started crafting ads around this phenomenon. For example see the following ad by Anheuser Busch.


Since March 2020, marketers have created several ads that have been in response to the pandemic. Your task is to find other ads that are influenced by Covid. Your second task is to analyze the advertising message and discuss the approach the company is taking to address the Covid.OR if you really wish to be creative, then take some regular ad and explain how you would adjust the message strategy for Covid.

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