Should men and women marry people of similar social and economic status and themselves? Do people always choose with whom they will fall

Should men and women marry people of similar social and economic status and themselves? Do people always choose with whom they will fall


You are required to write a substantial initial response of no less than 150 words, which addresses the main points of the prompt. The initial post is due by Saturday of each week by 11:59 pm.  Ideally, you will not wait until the last minute to post—waiting until the end of our week means that very little real discussion can take place. Students will be assessed on the strength of their argument. 

Peer Response: You must respond to a minimum of two postings of your peers due by Monday of each week by 11:59 pm.  Your two responses should be at least 75 words each, should clearly explain why you agree or disagree with your classmate, and should provide some further supporting details.


Answer the following questions and explain your reasoning (it can be fun to argue both sides or play devil’s advocate):

Should men and women marry people of similar social and economic status and themselves? 

Do people always choose with whom they will fall in love?

Is lying always wrong?

Is jealousy in a romantic relationship usually a sign the relationship has problems?

Do opposites attract? Can marriages be successful if partners are opposite?

How important is parent approval in a relationship?

Answer preview for Should men and women marry people of similar social and economic status and themselves? Do people always choose with whom they will fall


290 Words