What is consent for a subject whose algorithm for all things is to identify and meet the standards set by others

What is consent for a subject whose algorithm for all things is to identify and meet the standards set by others

Paper instructions:
“It is in this sense that I’d agree Asian American women’s experiences of sexual coercion are ‘culturally’ inflected: sabotaged by the model minority paradigm not as stereotype but as subject formation. For Asian American women, the gendered grammar of violence joins with a scripting of the subject as the consummately obliging solution to social anxieties, workforce shortfalls, familial losses, communal dreams. What is consent for a subject whose algorithm for all things is to identify and meet the standards set by others?”

Erin khuê Ninh asks a provocative question: if someone has gone their whole life being told to be a “model minority,” being told to meet the standards set by others (both in the family and outside of it), what is consent for that person? But don’t answer this question. Instead, answer: what is a script you’re expected to rehearse that you enjoy? What is a script you rehearse you do not enjoy? What is the difference between these two things?

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What is consent for a subject whose algorithm for all things is to identify and meet the standards set by others

389 words

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