Scientific knowledge expands every day. Updating oneself is golden, and the knowledge gained can not be taken away from anyone. I agree that

Scientific knowledge expands every day. Updating oneself is golden, and the knowledge gained can not be taken away from anyone. I agree that

1-Scientific knowledge expands every day. Updating oneself is golden, and the knowledge gained can not be taken away from anyone. I agree that the healthcare professions must increase in depth and breadth as scientific knowledge expands. This education level will help them deal with new diseases informatively. They can also inform the public about control measures of a common condition. 

All health care workers have a role in educating the public, especially clients. As much as clients interact with nurses more, we cannot entirely blame them for the failure of adequately educating clients. I believe doctors, pharmacists, clinical officers, and nurses have a responsibility to inform clients in the field of expertise. A nurse’s primary role is to ensure adherence to all the medication and instructions given by the doctor and pharmacist. Putting the part of educating clients entirely on nurses is unfair. Patient education is a complex topic that involves psychological, environmental, and social factors affecting patients, their families, and healthcare professionals. There are many ways to deliver patient education. Examples include one-on-one teaching, demonstrations, and analogies or word pictures to explain concepts. You can also use one or more of the following teaching tools: Brochures or other printed materials.

The level of education in any field matters a lot. To provide effective patient education, a variety of practical skills must be mastered. The higher the education level a professional is, the better the output of their work, in most cases. I feel that nursing has is not an exception. The higher the education level of a nurse, the better they can handle a client. Even if organizational culture and the working environment of a nurse may contribute to the quality of service they offer. Lee et al. (2018) suggest that researchers have found beneficial effects of higher nurse education at the hospital level on patient safety and quality of care outcomes.

2-Patient education is a vital aspect of the care that health care professionals, notably nurses, deliver. Nurses spend the most time interacting with patients than any other member of the healthcare team. Thus, their role is considerably more important. Patient education is a complex topic that involves psychological, environmental, and social factors affecting patients, their families, and healthcare professionals. Physicians must spend more time with their patients in order to enhance health care results. The contact between the teaching physician and the patient must be lively, motivated, and receptive to the particular patient’s requirements. Time is crucial in any educational process. Quality time is necessary to improve patient health literacy. Patients must have a thorough grasp of the effects of healthy treatments on their current and future health. Therefore, the blame does not lie solely on the nurse. Patient education is a collaborative effort. Avoiding medical jargon, engaging in patient inquiries, clarifying new forms, and employing “teach back” as a means to confirm knowledge are all communication approaches and behaviors that nurses and physicians can use to minimize the negative issue associated with inadequate patient health literacy (Paterick et al., 2017). A nurse’s education level does not matter as everyone takes the same board exam. However, experience is a greater factor than one’s education level.

3-My nursing education has changed my mind on a lot. My decision making is much critical than before. The way I would respond to an emergency is different. The process of nursing is mind changing in so many ways. At this point in my learning I have gain plenty of knowledge to enter into field of nursing and be prepared to be orientated into a specialty. At the moment, I work in OB as a surgical tech. As a tech I pass water and take vital q4 or q8. If the patient go into surgery I scrub for surgery and pass instruments. I also assist in vaginal deliveries passing instruments and needles. I will control the instruments and sutures, and keep up with the count during surgery and help the doctor during the entire surgery. I plan to become a OB labor and delivery Nurse. While working as a OB tech I have learned ahead of time things about fetal monitoring tracing and there is a potential surgery about to happen. I have noticed that caring for a baby inside a mother is more critical than I ever thought about. I plan to have 3 months of training and be prepared to learn more about the specialty on the unit. I will make sure I eat a health diet and get the proper rest and not overwork my mind.

4-At this point in my education I see myself as a strong leader in Nursing. I believe that I display great characteristics as a Nurse. The characteristics I display as a Nurse are therapeutic communication skills, caring, empathy, problem solving skills and a commitment to patient advocacy. I also display comfort, integrity and kindheartedness. I have worked as a floor Nurse, I enjoy working bedside being actively involved in patient care. I would like to transition into management at some point in my Nursing career. If I had the chance to choose a unit, the units I would choose would be Obstetrics or Med Surg. Working on the OB unit would allow me to help care for pregnant Moms. I would like to be apart of the healing process of Moms experiencing complications. One the Med surg unit I would have the opportunity to gain lots of knowledge. Med surg involves alot of disease process. There would be a variety of patients to learn about and care for. Yes I agree self care is essential to performing as a Nurse. We must practice self care in order to care for others and our patients. For self care I usually go to the massage parlor and get a massage. Sleep is important to me as well. I enjoying relaxing and sleeping when I am not at work. I also do not over work myself, I prioritize and am sure to take my breaks while at work. I also like to travel. I intend to take care of myself so that I can perform well and take care of the ill and sick. Nurse burn out is prevalent amongst Nurses. It is necessary that we try to prevent Nurse burn out by being adequately staffed, having support and taking scheduled breaks. I aspire to continue to be a Nurse with integrity and advocacy.

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