Sampling theory

Sampling theory

Sampling theory is clinical research which is a methodological approach that determine the generalizability of research findings (NCBI 1.2017). Research which is conducted to evaluate a population with a specific issue such as a chronic condition however it would be impossible to capture all the patients who suffer from a specific chronic condition throughout the world. To compensate for this two different samplings are used: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling is a more simple, random and systematic method; hile non probability sampling is more convenient. The method used to select participants for a research study can impact the results.

Generalizability is relationship of the research findings and the sampling population (NCBI 6.2015). While conducting a research study (for example) for hypertension of a population, the selected sampling must represent the “whole” of all the population with hypertension. The sampling population must correlate with the research findings and the results. Picking an appropriate sampling population is a necessity a research study and justifying the study’s results.

NCBI (N.D) Sampling Methods in Clinical Research; an Educational Review (1.2017). Retrieved from:…

NCBI (N.D.) Generalizability (6.2012). Retrieved from:…


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Sampling theory


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