The Later Roman Emperor: Explain, using both written and material primary sources, the various roles and responsibilities

The Later Roman Emperor: Explain, using both written and material primary sources, the various roles and responsibilities

HST 322: The Later Roman Empire, Primary Source Essay One:
Select ONE of the two questions below and answer in essay form using evidence taken from the various
primary sources read and discussed in class.
1. The Later Roman Emperor: Explain, using both written and material primary sources, the various roles and responsibilities of the Late Antique Roman Emperor. Explain the emperor’s relationship to the Roman state,Roman law, the Roman people, and the Roman church. Explain the Emperor’s duties, responsibilities, and expected conduct.
Primary sources for this question: Mass pg. 2-4, 1.2.1 The Emperor Comes to Town, 1.2.2 Imperial
Acclamations. Mass pg. 7-9, 1.2.5 The Emperor’s Role in War and Peace, 1.2.6. Ruler Cult, 1.2.8 The
Christian Emperor Looks to Heaven, 1.2.10 The Imperial Right to Interfere in Church Affairs, Mass pg. 11-12,1.3.1 Diocletian’s Reforms, Mass pg. 119-120, Massacre at Thessalonica. Also consider referring to various images on the Arch of Constantine.

2. Religious Shifts, Christianization, and Christological Controversies: Explain the religious shift which took place in the Roman Empire from the late third throughout the fourth centuries. Explain the role of the emperor and the Roman government in facilitating the process of Christianization. Explain how the early fourth century Christian church begun to standardize itself structurally and theologically. Explain the Christological situation of the church in the early fourth century and how the church addressed the issue of different or contradictory theology.
Primary sources for this question: Mass pg. 111-112, God Helps Constantine, “In This Sign You Will
Conquer”, 4.2.2 Through Divine Inspiration, Mass pg. 117-118, 4.3.1 The Edict of Milan, Mass, pg. 124-126, 4.4.6 Constantine and the Bickering Bishops, 4.4.7 Vicious Debate at a Church Council, Mass pg. 131-132, 4.5.1 Arius and the Human Nature of Christ, Mass pg. 186-187 5.3.1 Roman Legislation Against Polytheist
Practices, Mass pg. 119-120 4.3.2 Massacre at Thessalonica, 4.4.1 Bishops as Administrators
Please remember, this is a primary source essay, not a research paper. Please do not do additional research and/or consult additional sources of information for this paper, the exceptions being your textbooks and your class notes.
All of your answers are in the primary sources, and the majority of your information must come from the primary sources. Think of this as a take home, open book, open note, exam.
Furthermore, it is HIGHLY recommended you visit the Writing Center for assistance if you find yourself having difficulties in writing your paper. The Writing Center is located at 2S-216. More information is available here:
Your paper is to written in essay format, with an introduction and conclusion paragraph, in coherent, grammatically correct English, 4-6 pages (you may feel free to write more), double spaced, one-inch margins, 12pt. font, Times
New Roman, or Calibri Font. Papers that do not adhere to this format will not be accepted.
Your essay is due in hard-copy at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. Also, you must submit a digital copy of your essay to turnitin on the same due date. A link for submitting a digital copy will be provide on Blackboard under “content.” Your essay will not be graded until a digital copy has been submitted.

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The Later Roman Emperor: Explain, using both written and material primary sources, the various roles and responsibilities 


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