Respond to at least 2 of your colleagues and elaborate on their recommendations for cultural adaptation with the group they identified.

Respond to at least 2 of your colleagues and elaborate on their recommendations for cultural adaptation with the group they identified.

Can you help me understand this Social Science question?

Respond to at least 2 of your colleagues and elaborate on their recommendations for cultural adaptation with the group they identified. For example, you might discuss a merit or limitation of the cultural adaptation that your colleague proposed. Or you might suggest an alternative application of one of Marsigilia and Booth’s cultural adaptation.

2 Posts are:


Respond #1

For this assignment, I have chosen the direct quote “Living in an SRO, when compared to living in other housing environments, has been associated with higher rates of HIV infections, emergency room use, recent incarceration, having been physically assaulted, crack cocaine smoking, and cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine injection” (Knight et. al., 2014). Based on the findings, SROs do not have proper liable facilities for its residents. It has been noted that these facilities’ conditions and qualities contributed to the exacerbation of poor emotional wellness among the residents (Knight et. al., 2014). The observation can be recommended on all level, Micro, Mezzo, and Macro concentrations. One possible recommendation in this situation is the execution of the solution-focused approach. Social workers can utilize solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) approach for individual and family counseling to stipulate problem-solving oriented to their clients. A solution-focused methodology may incorporate the premises and strategies of social constructivist, strengthening based practice, and s strengths perspective that is appropriate for responding to the clients and their respective needs (Chueng & Jahn, 2017).

Based on the study given on the urban homeless population by Knight et al. (2014), individuals may encounter a decrease in physical and emotional wellness, just as a lack of education understanding of the provided services to people in a given community. The culture for this assignment is of that the Asian immigrant community. When it comes to working with Asia immigrants, the social worker must keep several things in perspective.

For example, a typical expectation of Asian parents is that their children will naturally be upbeat and thankful to have a peaceful life in the U.S. When this is not the situation, the children’s adverse conduct might be deciphered as an absence of gratefulness and respect for their parents (Hayward, 2011). Also, Asian culture expects the younger generation to care for their elderly members until they eventually passed away. The family’s progressive functions are uttered by generational status and the significance of the Confucianism (Chueng and Jahn, 2017). Thus, working with this individual population, social workers must be culturally competent to understand their clients’ specific needs and provide the best treatment for positive outcomes. With this in mind, content models could be a possible technique to be considered for a specific community to handle the problem with physical and emotional wellness just as education services and instruction (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). If I was assigned to work with the Asian immigrant population, utilizing interviews and other available research, making sure that the incorporation technique is culturally sensitive to the identified population.

Respond #2



“I discovered that my environment had a lot to do with my mental state. So, when I had my own place, I was in control of the environment. You know, there was no drama, everything was nice and mellow, and so I was able to function. Everything was on an even keel; that was fine. It was when other people and situations were introduced into my environment that I couldn’t get away from, that would send me over the edge” (Knight, Lopez, Shumway, Cohen, & Riley, 2014, p. 559).

Tentative Meaning

The above mentioned quote provides a tentative meaning of safety in one’s own environment. The individual quoted correlates their physical and mental stability with their environment and recognizes the importance of feeling and being safe. One can abstract from this statement that the housing units allow for mental and physically stability to be gained because of the safety the units provide for them. The single room occupancy hotels (SRO’s) are “trauma-sensitive” and provide a sense of security and safety for the individual (Knight et al., 2014, p. 558). The homeless population struggles with where they will sleep from day to day, staying warm and dry out of the weather, and feeling rested as they do not receive much sleep because they are always on high alert due to their unstable environment. The units provided for the homeless women

The statement also represents a control. The individual who made the comment is sharing that she finally feels control over her life where when things that are out of her control can send her “over the edge” (Knight et al., 2014, p. 559). An intervention can be suggested through the use of this statement. The intervention that could be used is how to maintain self-control when outside factors are introduced, which makes the individual uncomfortable and teach coping skills that the individual could use to de-escalate their feelings.

Cultural Adaptation

“Culture is fluid and ever-changing, the process of cultural adaptation is complex and dynamic” (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015, p. 423). Cultural adaptation on the behalf of the social work intervention is important in order to, provide culturally diverse intervention to the populations we are serving. Not all cultures will respond the same way to coping mechanisms that are introduced. Understanding the diversity in culture will enable us to provide the most beneficial teaching of coping skills.

The Latino population has a history of drug use and abuse which indicates that family-based interventions are culturally relevant as this population is family oriented and utilizes their families as their support system (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). As mentioned by Marsiglia and Kulis (2009), “Culturally grounded social work challenges practitioners to see themselves as the other and to recognize that the responsibility of cultural adaptation resides not solely on the clients but involves everyone in the relationship” (Marsiglia & Booth, 2015). Cognitive adaptations need to be considered so we are aware of potential challenges, such as language barriers or suggesting coping strategies, which may not be relevant to the family (p. 426). This is a reciprocal relationship, so we need to understand where the client is and where they want to go moving forward. In order to, provide the best service, we need to meet them where they are.

Knight, K. R., Lopez, A. M., Shumway, M., Cohen, J., & Riley, E. D. (2014). Single room occupancy (SRO) hotels as mental health risk environments among impoverished women: The intersection of policy, drug use, trauma, and urban space. international Journal of Drug Policy, 25(3), 556-561.

Marsiglia, F. F., & Booth, J. M. (2015). Cultural Adaptation of Interventions in Real Practice Settings. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(4), 423-432.

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