Research the War on Drugs and give an overview to the campaign and policies. Were there any interesting findings that you discovered? Complete

Research the War on Drugs and give an overview to the campaign and policies. Were there any interesting findings that you discovered? Complete

Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Research the War on Drugs and give an overview to the campaign and policies.

Go the the website of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (Links to an external site.)and check out relevant statistics to the impact of the war on drugs. Assess the statistics impact on the war on drugs.

Were there any interesting findings that you discovered? Complete a short reflection on your findings.

Students are to complete a two page paper assessing the above topics.

Make sure to use academic sources (i.e. your book and/or scholarly articles) in writing your paper and include proper APA citations and references, title page, abstract, headings, and reference page. Students are required to use at least three sources to cite information discussed in research papers.

You are allowed to use opinions in the REFLECTION SECTION only of your paper.

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