An educational topic (The title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach)

An educational topic (The title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach)

Subject: Education
Topic: writer’s choice about an educational topic inform me before (The title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach)

Paper details:

this PROPOSAL Should be COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT PAPER. Meet the criteria of academic paper. 1. TITLE • Your title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach or key question- The title shall ideally not exceed 10-12 words, try to bring it to the point! • Keywords, 3-5 • Summary (max. 10 sentences) 2. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE You should include: • the background and issues of your proposed research (see questions “Before you start”) • identify your discipline and study area/s • a short literature review (desk research) • a summary of key debates and developments (research) in the field 3. RESEARCH QUESTION(S) You should formulate these clearly, giving an explanation as to what problems and issues are to be explored and why they are worth exploring. The research question is often the most difficult to formulate- take time and write several versions down. 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY You should provide an outline of: • the theoretical resources to be drawn on • the research approach (theoretical framework) • the research methods appropriate for the proposed research • a list of advantages as well as limits of particular approaches and methods • Methods of data collection and analysis (tools/instruments – attached) 5. PLAN OF WORK & TIME SCHEDULE You should include an outline of the various stages and corresponding timelines for developing and implementing the research. 6. EXPECTED RESULTS 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY You should include: • a list of references to key articles and texts discussed within your research proposal • a selection of sources appropriate to the proposed research

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An educational topic (The title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach)




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