Write a technical report that persuades them to take some action. The report should persuade them to act by providing technical or scientific evidence, not by focusing on argument itself.

Write a technical report that persuades them to take some action. The report should persuade them to act by providing technical or scientific evidence, not by focusing on argument itself.

report writing

Your assignment is to write a technical report that persuades them to take some action. The report should persuade them to act by providing technical or scientific evidence, not by focusing on argument itself.

The written sources should not include popular magazines like Scientific American or Newsweek or newspaper articles. Use more authoritative sources such as scientific journals, trade journals, technical books and documents, or technical reports that are catalogued on the NTIS (National Technical Information Service). Your expert should be able to provide you with suggestions for resources.The introduction and sections. Write a report of 4-6 pages (double-spaced), that includes at least two illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc.) that help enhance the meaning of your message. Don’t use an illustration just for the sake of using an illustration. The images you use should help the reader better understand your ideas or concepts.

Your report should be easy for your non-expert audience to understand, and it should make them want to act, based on the evidence you present.

References. Document all sources at the end of your report using the APA formatting style.Your audience for this assignment is your classmates in this class. That means that they are college students who attend a quality university and who are intelligent, inquisitive, and not easily fooled or persuaded.

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Write a technical report that persuades them to take some action. The report should persuade them to act by providing technical or scientific evidence not by focusing on argument itself.


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