What changed about your spiritual awareness

What changed about your spiritual awareness


Sufism is one of the most misunderstood dimensions of Islam—by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. To understand more about Sufism and its connection to contemporary spirituality, you will write a 5-6 page journal the reflects on your own experience with meditation. Your journal is due on Wednesday, March 27th or Friday, March 29th in your discussion section. Be sure to bring a hard copy to your section and upload your paper to D2L prior to class.

You will undertake an experiential exercise that links Sufi practice with other meditation forms that have recently become popular in the United States. To do so, you will keep a journal for one week (7 consecutive days) in which you track and reflect on your meditation practices and the impact that Sufi music has (or does not have) on it.

First: Familiarize yourself with general meditation practices.
Links can be found here:

Second: Familiarize yourself with the Sufi music selection here:
“Sufi Meditation Music: Allaho Akbar, Ya Rahimo” https://youtu.be/t-J1hVGzWro

Third: Write at least a half-page reflection (typed, double spaced) on your thoughts about meditation before beginning this experiment. What do you think of meditation in general? What are you expecting from this meditation practice?

Fourth: Commit to meditating for at least 10 minutes every day for a week, preferably the same time each day. Alternate days when you listen to the Sufi music and when you meditate in silence.

Fifth: Each day at least a ½ page (typed, double spaced) about your practice. What are some specific feelings, challenges, outcomes of your meditation? What difference (if any) does listening to the Sufi music make? Be sure to apply some of the key concepts of Sufism and/or spirituality (either readings or lectures) to your reflections. (See Rubric for more guidelines.)

Note: BE HONEST! There is no right or wrong way to feel, and feelings change from one day to the next.

Sixth: After the seven days have ended, write at least one page (typed, double spaced) of concluding thoughts: What is your attitude towards meditation before vs. after this week? What changed about your spiritual awareness? Is this something you think you would continue? Why or why not?

Solution preview
In the world of spirituality, meditation is observed as a practice where an individual sits in a calm and quiet place. For a successful meditation, the person is expected to be in a peaceful state of mind without any internal or external disturbing force. Naturally, the objectives of meditation include to examine oneself…………………..
1618 words
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