Discuss the objectives and strategies of an 1830’s reform movement

Discuss the objectives and strategies of an 1830’s reform movement

Discuss the objectives and strategies of an 1830’s reform movement and how it related to larger political and economic trends.

Your discussion of the topic should be a minimum of 400 words, include accurate content, critical analysis, specific examples, two meaningful quotes (one from a primary or secondary source of your choice and one from your textbook) in apa in-text parenthetical citation format, proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, and references in apa format.



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Reform movements refer to social movements that are aimed at making gradual rather that radical changes in the way of life. Reform movements of the 1830s were in most cases of social and political nature. Arguably, abolition of slave trade is one of the greatest reform movements that took shape in the 18th century………….


443 words



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