Read the following New York Times article: Also take a look at the final report on the experiment associated with

Read the following New York Times article: Also take a look at the final report on the experiment associated with

Read the following New York Times article: Also take a look at the
final report on the experiment associated with Homebase (linked on Blackboard). Write an
essay in which you address two issues: First, explain the research design. Be clear about why
some were denied aid (as the article title indicates). Second explain why this is controversial but
also challenging (from the standpoint of knowledge). What is the fundamental tension that
exists here? In the concluding paragraph(s), tell me what you think. Is this an experiment that
should be stopped? If yes, how else might we get the same information (about whether the
program worked)? If no, is there a way to do this experiment that protects the human dignity of
the subjects?

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