Read carefully the primary source documents (provided above): “Alexander Falconbridge’s Account of the Slave Trade” and “William Snelgrave,

Read carefully the primary source documents (provided above): “Alexander Falconbridge’s Account of the Slave Trade” and “William Snelgrave,

4-5 pages should be written in Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. Should use the attached two sources

See the attachments.

Read carefully the primary source documents (provided above): “Alexander Falconbridge’s Account of the Slave Trade” and “William Snelgrave, ‘The Slaves Mutiny’”and write a well-organized essay that analyses the significant historical or contemporary issue, idea, movement, event, institution, or societies it discusses. 


  • The paper should be 4-5 pages in length, typewritten, double-spaced and paginated.
  • The paper should have a title.
  • The paper should contain a clear statement of thesis which should be included in the introduction, followed by a narrative that explicates the thesis, concluding with summation or restatement of the thesis.
  • The paper should be free of grammatical, spelling and syntactical errors.
  • The paper should contain at least 4 different quotes from the primary source (s) provided.
  • The paper should avoid plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional. In general, both ideas and language (wording) taken from another writer must be properly acknowledged and cited (footnoted). Language borrowed from a source must be placed in quotation marks.
  • Use the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. Your Endnotes should be numbered sequentially throughout your paper in Arabic numerals. Numbers must be embedded automatically in the text (i.e. if endnotes are added or deleted the numbers change automatically). To insert endnotes in word: (a) Click where you want to reference in the endnote; (b) On the References tab, select insert Endnote; (c) Enter what you want in the endnote.

Chicago Style Footnotes:

Alexander Falconbridge, “An Account of the Slave Trade,” in Thomas Howard, ed., Black Voyage: Eyewitness Accounts of the Atlantic Slave Trade (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1971)

William Snelgrave, “The Slaves Mutiny,” in Robert O. Collins, ed., Western African History, Vol. I (Princeton, NJ: Marcus Wiener Publications, 2012)

*Alexander Falconbridge article can also be found here:


4-5 pages should be written in Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. Should use the attached two sources

See the attachments all the instructions are there. Follow them.

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