Provide a picture of major beliefs and values in the organization that influence communication practices and therefore help determine the

Provide a picture of major beliefs and values in the organization that influence communication practices and therefore help determine the

Rehearsal 2.2: The Value of a Cultural Analysis” on p. 21 of the textbook. Answer questions 2 and 3 in 1-2 paragraphs each, reflecting on the usefulness of conducting an ethnography of your organization.

Connections:Benefits of Studying Organization Culture

The structuration and social construction processes imply the importance of paying closer attention to culture. The study of culture focuses on symbolic processes that facilitate shared meaning (Morgan, 1986). Because “cultures are communicative creations, they emerge and are sustained by the communicative acts of all employees, not just the conscious persuasive strategies of upper management” (Conrad & Poole, 1998, p. 116). This relationship between communication and culture suggests multiple benefits of a cultural analysis. As you review this list, we encourage you in Rehearsal 2.2 to capture these and/or other benefits most relevant to your organization. A cultural analysis can

  • Provide a picture of major beliefs and values in the organization that influence communication practices and therefore help determine the kinds of communication skills needed in the organization
  • Prompt reflection on the relationship between national and organizational communication patterns and norms
  • Help organizational members see communication practices that go unnoticed, such as important rituals and routines or ways power is exercised for ethical/unethical purposes
  • Create insight for new job orientation and job promotion practices
  • Empower organization members in integrating ethics and values more deeply into organizational structures and practices rather than treating them as superficial training programs that have little effect
  • Assist employees in determining cultural/value fit as they consider employment or service opportunities
  • Improve the change management process by uncovering cultural strengths and potential problem areas
imagesRehearsal 2.2 The Value of a Cultural Analysis

Purpose: Identify what you believe would be the primary values of an analysis for your organization.


1. Review the bulleted points above.

2. Write down the language you would use to capture two potential values of an analysis of your own organization or of the organization you are considering as a focus for an analysis.

3. You might consider possible problems you currently perceive in the organization and describe how a cultural analysis would help you better identify solutions to these problems. Or you might reflect on current changes being considered or implemented and ways a cultural analysis would help in the process of change management.

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