Using the Basic Problem Solving Process outlined in the chapter, describe an interaction with a client/patient/student or consumer.

Using the Basic Problem Solving Process outlined in the chapter, describe an interaction with a client/patient/student or consumer.

Paper instructions:
Using the Basic Problem Solving Process outlined in the chapter, describe an interaction with a client/patient/student or consumer.In this case, a “client” is someone that you interact with at your agency who is a client of that agency.Remember, every interaction human services workers have is planned and purposeful.If you do not have a client that you work with on your own, you can still do this assignment by using a client that is known to you, either through your supervisor, or through a co-worker. Focus on these areas of the Process: “engagement”, “assessment”, and “definition of the problem.”What did you do or say to engage the client? What information did you collect that helped in the assessment process, and what did you conclude?Finally, how do you define the problem or concern that the client seems to be experiencing (explore all three areas of definition of the problem-Working, Underlying, and Immediate)? Make sure that you describe and define the terms and concepts as defined by the author (s) of the reading that you are referring to. USE APA style of referencing (see Blackboard Course Information). For those of you working with groups: you can describe these processes with groups! For those of you escorting seniors to activities, you can describe what goes on in your conversations along the way! Use your creativity and ingenuity! You must engage with the people you talk to, assess their needs AT THE MOMENT, not what someone else has written in a case file. do not Don’t use psychological terms, diagnoses or jargon to do this.Please take a look at ‘exemplars’ for guidance!

I do not have a client as I mostly do office work or run groups at my agency, however, I’ve had a client ask to speak to me in private. The client then highlighted that she was hungry and haven’t eaten since the previous day.

My agency is the door ( A youth center in Soho, NY.


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