A brief description of the types of resources about poverty available through this site: Using

Poverty Related Issues

 A brief description of the types of resources about poverty available through this site

Using Technology to Make Reading an Enjoyable Experience for All Children


http://www.naeyc.org/blogs/using-technology-to-make-reading-enjoyable (article file attached)

2. Your response to one of the following questions:

If you were to decide to make the reduction of poverty part of your professional work, how might these resources support your efforts?


According to this website, what is currently being done by others to reduce or eliminate poverty?

3. A summary of how this information helps you to better understand issues and trends related to poverty as it affects young children, their families, and the early childhood field, and how this information might help you in your role as an early childhood professional who advocates for their well-being

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The kinds of resources that deliberate on poverty in this site contain a comprehensive insight on children from the underprivileged families. They claim that more than sixty percent of children who range from six years old, dwell in poor and susceptible homes…………………………..
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