What is the connection between failed (now referred to as fragile) states and terrorism

What is the connection between failed (now referred to as fragile) states and terrorism

Read the articles, “Conceptualising State Collapse: An Institutionalist Approach,” by Lambach and Johais (2015), and “Globalization, Terrorism and the State by Demir and Varlik (2015), which are required reading for this week. Respond to the following:

What is the connection between failed (now referred to as fragile) states and terrorism and other forms of political violence?

Provide an example of a failed/fragile state that is associated with terrorism.

In addition to terrorism and other forms of political violence, what other problems are generally associated with failed/fragile states?

What can, or should, the international community do to address this issue?




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International terrorism and failed states are fundamentally linked since the loss of a strong legal background and the inability to provide security relates with an increased acceptance of political violence by the citizens. This leads to an increased vulnerability to and acceptance of terrorism. A failed state provides a viable environment…………………………..


420 words


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