Given the readings assigned throughout the semester (Johnson; Collier and Collier)

Given the readings assigned throughout the semester (Johnson; Collier and Collier)

Part Three: Discussion (Due Week Thirteen, as the complete paper)

Given the readings assigned throughout the semester (Johnson; Collier and Collier), the lecture podcasts, classroom or BlackBoard discussions, and the independent research needed in order to complete the first two parts (you should do sufficient research to develop a good understanding of the issue from multiple perspectives), you should now be well-equipped to grapple with the questions below. This section should demonstrate your mastery of the issue and be presented in the form of a well-thought-out, organized essay supported by the evidence.

Describe the debate. What are the relevant parties (stakeholders, the public, the media, etc.) saying about the problem? What issues have dominated in the discussion of the issue? Identify the most prominent options that have been proposed for addressing the problem.

Narrow down your discussion to two of the proposals that are being considered by relevant stakeholder groups in the media and describe them in more detail. If either proposal departs significantly from the status quo, discuss how it differs from the existing policy.

  • Which option is preferable to the majority of stakeholders?
  • Does that proposal hold the government accountable for resolving the problem?
  • Does that proposal address the disparate impact of the problem on certain groups?
  • Can the proposed option be implemented? (Take into consideration cost, the likelihood of political opposition, and whether or not the proposed option would be effective at minimizing, if not eliminating the problem).

In your discussion:

  • Identify the challenges for decision makers attempting to address a policy shortcoming and improve outcomes. Your discussion should take into consideration the tension between politics, public pressure for change, fiscal realities, the rights of affected parties, as well as other factors you may identify.
  • Which solution is likely to prevail? This question is not about arguing in favor of Option A or Option B, but rather a consideration of how things are expected to play out, given the complexity of the situation, the stakeholders jockeying for influence over the outcome, and all of the other factors previously mentioned.

This section should be approximately 40% of your paper, with the addition of a bibliography encompassing references from the previous sections.

The term paper is due at the start of the Week 13 class, whatever the submission mode.  Submit your paper as advised by your instructor.

Solution preview for the order on given the readings assigned throughout the semester (Johnson; Collier and Collier)

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