Robert Frost and T.S. Eliot write poems that make use of many different literary devices

Robert Frost and T.S. Eliot write poems that make use of many different literary devices


Subject: English
Topic: discussion

Paper details:

Robert Frost and T.S. Eliot write poems that make use of many different literary devices. Find 4 examples in these poems (2 poems from Frost, 2 poems from Eliot) of literary devices from this list: Alliteration; Allusion; Anaphora; Anthropomorphism; Colloquialism; Euphemism; Hyperbole; Irony; Juxtaposition; Metaphor/Simile; Metonym; Oxymoron; Personification; Symbolism; Synecdoche. (You only have to find 4 total examples, not 4 examples of each of these literary devices.) In your post, explain how Frost and Eliot use these literary devices to help communicate the message of their poems. Answer the questions, “WHAT are Frost’s and Eliot’s messages in these poems, and HOW do Frost and Eliot use these literary devices to communicate those messages?”

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Robert Frost and T.S. Eliot write poems that make use of many different literary devices


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