Poem critical analysis

Poem critical analysis

Write an essay that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of Yeats’ “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”and supported by at least three secondary sources. This essay still relies on textual support from the primary text, but includes at least three secondary sources that support/sustain the student’s argument. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “summary” nor should you speak of “relating” to the poem; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text but also supported by at least three secondary sources. Again, use only the MLA International Bibliography, JSTOR, and or Project MUSE databases to support your ideas and thesis.

write a three to four-page essay analyzing it through a close reading that takes the poem completely apart. Each line of the poem should be discussed in depth to support your thesis. Examine the words and the word origins, the images, the diction and tone that build up in the poem, the structure of the poem through its rhythm, rhyme, and meter. 

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Poem critical analysis


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