Please select a role(s) within a healthcare organization and write a job description for it. Include information such as job title; full-time

Please select a role(s) within a healthcare organization and write a job description for it. Include information such as job title; full-time

Using the fictional Cavalier Health project.
Step 1: Please select a role(s) within a healthcare organization and write a job description for it. Include
information such as job title; full-time or part-time; setting or location and whether there is off-site rotation or
travel and licensure or certification requirements, if any in addition to other relevant information. Please use
information from to find at least one of the probable tasks for the position as a
resource (but not necessarily your only resource). *Please indicate the ones from ONETonline. Please keep in mind
that this is a health care position so you are likely to need to tweak information from ONETonline to be a good fit
to healthcare.
Step 2: Following the completion of the job description, prepare a condensed description of that job in less than
one-half page that could be used for recruiting purposes and provide an anticipated salary range for the position (A
salary range can be estimated using data at
Step 3: Please comment on the next steps in the recruitment process for this position based on your reading of the
** An example and rubric are attached. You can also find examples in the book (pp:133-138). You’ll also find
numerous resources online about skills needed for various positions as well as summary job descriptions that are in
use as recruiting tools on various website. As always, please use the examples as references but make the one you
submit clearly your own.

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